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PhoneDown - Stay Focused

4.8 ( 6688 ratings )
Verktyg Produktivitet
Utvecklare: Jake El Mir
0.99 USD

In this day and age, phone usage constantly distracts us and fragments our attention. By using PhoneDown, users can motivate themselves to live in the present, be productive, and stay focused.

Break your screen and social media addiction through small habit tweaks with PhoneDown. Learn to put your phone down and focus on the moments that matter the most, like friends and family.

We understand, your phone is your life and it’s hard to put down between all of the emails, messages and social media profiles keeping you connected. But according to a study from UPenn, social media use actually increases depression and loneliness.

You will accumulate experience points until you stop the timer. If you start the timer and exit the app, the timer will be reset. By using the app, you can level up and win achievements.

The sense of achievement and responsibility will encourage you to stay away from your phone, and will help you make better use of your time. Stop getting distracted by your phone, make you self-motivated and get more things done.

Developed by Driple Agency
Support: [email protected]